Uddannet på Arts Educational
School of Acting |
-"The Sound of Music",
instruktør Daniel Bohr, Det Ny Teater, Rolf 01.03.04-28.11.04
- "West Side Story", Instruktør
Ronny Danielsson, Malmö Opera & Musikteater, Baby John 12.09.03-31.01.04
Boat”, instruktør Morten Hovman, Aarhus Teater, ensemble, 06.09.02-26.10.02
- ”Miss Saigon”, instruktør
Lisa Kent, Aarhus & Odense Teater, ensemble, 30.07.01-12.01.02
- ”Caribisk
Krydstogt”, Openwide, skib: Sundream, Lead Male, 01.10.99-11.04.00
- ”Ellegies”,
instruktør David Robson, Turnham Green Theatre, Brian, 1999
- ” The
Innocent Mistress”, instruktør Andrew Visnevski, T.G.T., Spendall, 1998
skole forestillinger |
Mariner, instruktør Nicholas Tudor, som Pinzon
Man of La Mancha, instruktør Nicholas Tudor, som Padre
The provoked Wife, instruktør Terry Fender, som Constant
Commedia dell’arte, instruktør Stephen Hutton, som Lover
Twelfth Night, instruktør Andrew Visnevski, som Sebastian
All My Sons, instruktør Robert Fried, som George
Tenor G-C
Har bl.a. trænet halvandet år hos Ian Adam i London.
Taler Engelsk som indfødt og godt Amerikansk
Har taget
The British Academy of
Dramatic Combat Advanced Certificate
Padi advanced open water
Hvis du har spørgsmål kan du
kontakte mig på:
mobil: 40 52 15 79
Jeppe Schrøder
Uddannet på: The Arts Educational School of Acting
Født: 1972
Øjne:Blå Hår:Brunt Vægt:69kg
Jeg er Tenor A-C
Rock, Pop & Musical.
Har taget undervisning ved:
Ian Adam, Dean Austin, Julian Daves,
Hanne Holten
(som fortsat er min sanglærer)
Jeg er uddannet i London på:
The Arts
Educational School of Acting
The Arts Educational School of Acting er
en statsanerkendt skuespilleruddannelse i London, medlem af ”The National
Board of Acting”.
Skolen giver efter 3 års intensiv
træning ”The National Diploma in Professional Acting”, og man optages
derefter direkte som professionel skuespiller i Equity (og som A - medlem
af Dansk Skuespillerforbund).
Skolen har dagligt ca. 11-12 timers
undervisning, som bl.a kan bestå af stemmetræning, poesitimer, method,
impro, dans, fægtning, acting, sang, radio, tv og film mm.
Hver eftermiddag og aften øves der på
produktioner, som efter 5-6 ugers prøveforløb opføres på en af skolens
teaterscener. På det afsluttende 3. år produceres der ca. 6
forestillinger, som er åbne for publikum, agenter, castere og instruktører
nedenfor for yderligere oplysninger.
The National Diploma In Professional Acting (3 years)
Aims of the Course
The School of Acting places value on the principle of life-long
learning. In addition it places value on the dynamic relationship
between performer and audience. To this end, the School aims to
develop reflective, contemporary actors who are able to work
effectively throughout the performance industry
Acquiring and
developing a range of core performance skills.
and understanding professional performance practice.
Reflecting on
and analysing one's own work and the work of others.
Working in a
range of live and electronic performance contexts
What personal
qualities does the course demand
A full-time vocational training as an actor challenges and tests
your stamina and commitment.It is a demanding training,both physically
and emotionally. The work demands that you are able to be honest with
yourself and others; that you can accept criticism; and that you are
able to discipline yourself in order that you may structure your time
and energies so as to fully engage with your training. You must be
physically and emotionally mature, enthusiastic and
committed,open-minded to others and a good group member. You must be
eager to enter an intensive training and actively seeking
opportunities to test yourself as a performer in a broad range of
By way of developing a full understanding of the skills required
for performing to a range of audiences,Year One places emphasis on the
development of your body, voice and imagination. The main emphasis is
on classroom work.Your work will encompass live performance, screen
performance and radio performance.You will perform only to tutors and
to your peers.
Year Two develops your understanding of the actor's process in a range
of contexts and styles. Classroom work continues alongside rehearsal
processes for small-scale classroom projects.The development of your
understanding of the actor's process through rehearsals is a key
aspect of this second year. In your third year of training, you will
join The Acting Company. You will spend a year performing in a broad
range of work.
In the third term of this final year you are joined by students of the
one-year course. In addition, you are given a thorough grounding in
the business aspects of your chosen profession, which prepares you for
entry to the performance industry.
Please click on The Curriculum
to view more information.
Students who successfully complete the course are awarded the
National Diploma in Professional Acting.In addition,as the course is
fully accredited all graduates are eligible for full Equity status. |